Monday, 12 February 2018

The Big Denial

As we continue to Dive In! to the life of Peter and what it means to follow Jesus we have learned that we aren't always going to get it right. This past Sunday we took a look at the story of when Peter denied Jesus, not once, not twice, but THREE times the night that Jesus was arrested. We talked about how Peter would have felt after doing this, as well as how Jesus would have felt. We discussed how even though Peter messed up it didn't change the way that Jesus saw him. Jesus gave showed Peter grace and forgave him, and that same grace and forgiveness is offered to us every time we mess up.

The kids seem to be doing quite well with their memory work. The little kids have almost all got their verse down pat! But as a reminder and so they can work on it at home this is the verse:

"Come and follow me." Jesus said,
"I will send you out to fish for people."
Mark 1:17

And the older kids' verse is:

“Do you understand what I was doing? You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and you are right,
because that’s what I am. And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you
ought to wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done
to you.  
John 13:12-15

Just like last week, I want to encourage you to memorize these verses with your children. It is
important to instill in them now the spiritual disciplines that we want them to carry through life
and having God's word on their minds is one of those disciplines (it will also be good for you).

Your children have come to love the song "My Lighthouse" by Rend Collective. It is a great
worship song and we found a video with actions so that your kids can dance to it. If you would
like to see that video or any of the other worship videos that we share with your children you
can search on youtube: "cornwall church kids" and a playlist called "worship songs with actions"
will come up (I will attach the link at the end of this blog). Teaching your kids to worship and
letting them see you worship is another great experience to share with your kids and singing and
dancing is a fun way to do that.

Check out our playlist here:

Turn up the music and have some fun singing praises and dancing for God with your children
this week :)

- Megan

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