Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Stinky Feet and BARF

It seems as though I skipped a week, sorry about that! But a lot happened this week. I was away over the weekend teaching at Snowball Camp out at Canoe Cove so I wasn't here to teach your kids on Sunday morning, I do however know exactly what they learned about. On Sunday morning your kids continued on with their Dive In! series diving deeper into the life of Peter. This week they talked about the last supper, and when Jesus washed the disciples dirty, stinky feet. They learned that they are free to follow Jesus and that they can do that by serving others.

The memory verse for the younger kids is the same one for the whole series which is:

“Come and follow me,” (motion hands toward self)
Jesus said. (both hands point up)
“I will send you out (walk in place)
to fish for people.” (cup hands around mouth to make a fish face)

Mark 1:17

And the older kids got a new memory verse this week:

After washing their feet, he put on his robe again and sat down and asked,
“Do you understand what I was doing? You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and you are right,
because that’s what I am. And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you
ought to wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done
to you.  
John 13:12-15

We want to encourage your children to memorize scripture so that they think of God's word
often and so when they find themselves in difficult situations, or just want some
encouragement they can have these verses to turn to. Memorizing God's word is
something all of us should be doing so that more of our focus is on Him, so I would
encourage you to memorize these verses with your children.

If your children were at Snowball camp this past weekend, then they had the great privilege
of learning about BARF! BARF was a series of lessons that I created based on the life of
Peter (Peter was on my mind already from preparing for Jr. Church each week). BARF
stands for Believe, Accept, Repent, and Follow. We talked about when Peter first believed
in Jesus, when he accepted Jesus as the Son of God, when he repented of his sins and
how Peter followed Jesus. If your kids have been in Jr. Church and attended Snowball
camp then there would have been a bit of overlap with the stories, but the camp lessons
went deeper and took a bit of a different direction. The kids at camp also heard some of my
BARF story as I shared with them when I first believed in Jesus, accepted Jesus, repented
of my sins and how I follow Jesus. We talked about how following Jesus is doing what he
said as well as what he did and how everyday we need to consciously make the decisions
to BARF, to believe, accept, repent and follow, that isn't a one time thing but that everyday
we need to give our lives to Jesus. I told the children that everyone who follows Jesus has
a BARF story, so if you get asked about BARF this week or in the future, that is totally my
fault and I'm not sorry. I hope that you will share your story with your kids and help them to
write their own as God guides them through life.

I hope you have a great week this week and that your kids who were at camp get well
rested (I know I'm tired from those late nights and copious amounts of sugar!).
See you next week!

- Megan

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