Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Family Sunday, Easter, and Everything in Between

It's been a while since I've posted so here is a bit of an update. We finished our Dive In! Series where we traveled through the life of Peter and learned what it really means to follow Jesus. On March 18th we our worship leader and I planned out a family Sunday where we had everyone of all ages worshiping and learning together. It was a great service! There was a lot of laughing, a lot of singing, and a LOT of cookies!! Our worship leader chose some familiar upbeat songs so that the children could dance and sing along, we watched a silly video that had a good meaning (I'll share it at the end of this post), our pastor shared a sermon that was simple enough for everyone to understand but still had a great message, and of course there was cookies because what child, or adult doesn't love to have cookies. We also had worksheets for the kids to fill out and color throughout the service with what they were learning and enjoying. We were all amazed at how well the children behaved, so thank you parents for teaching your children well the importance of respect and listening during church.  Last Sunday was palm Sunday and through some last minute planning the children got to take part in an incredible Easter outreach. In the span of a week our church was able to raise enough money and collect enough donations to provide Easter baskets for 45 children and breakfast foods for their 23 families, so on Sunday morning during Jr. Church we let all of the children put the Easter baskets together. They were thrilled that they were able to help out kids in the community who may otherwise not have received anything for Easter. For some it was a tough lesson to leave the basket behind for another child, but most were super excited that they got to be part of making Easter better for so many households. We also talked about palm Sunday, and Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem for his last week. 

This coming week is Easter Sunday and we hope that many people will join us as we learn about what Jesus did for us on the cross and even more excitingly, what happened three days later! 

Here are some snapshots of the past couple weeks and the video that was shared on Family Sunday: 

Family Sunday

Packing Easter Baskets
Packing Easter Baskets

Some Proud Kids With Their Finished Products

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We have introduced a new prize system to our kids' church program. They have four ways to earn points that will then go towards earning ...