Tuesday, 9 January 2018

A New Year!

It is crazy to believe that another year has come and gone! Our church as a whole has gone through many changes over this past year, one of them being that I (Megan) was hired on in October as a full time children's minister and office administrator. Since taking on this role there have been some changes made to our Jr. Church program. The biggest change being that we now send the children to their program for the entirety of the service instead of just a portion. When changes happen it is important to make sure that they were made for the right reason. It is important that the change is a good change and not just change for the sake of change. With that being said, we would like to hear from you! We now have a full semester under our belts of having the children downstairs for the full hour and we want to give you the opportunity to let us know what you think of the changes. Please take a couple of minutes and fill out this quick anonymous survey:


Your feedback is important to us and so a goal for the new year is to keep you in the loop as to what is happening in Jr. Church. This blog will be updated on a weekly basis (at least) with what your children have been learning, any memory verses that they are working on as well as any events that your children may be interested in, etc.

This past Sunday (January 7th) in Jr. Church, we started a new series called "Dive In." This series is going to walk your children through the life of Peter and teach them what it really means to be a follower of Jesus! This week they heard the story of Jesus sending Peter out to fish for men from Luke 5:1-11 and their memory verse for the next few weeks is Mark 1:17 (there are actions in the brackets if that will help your child to memorize it easier):

“Come and follow me,” (motion hands toward self)
Jesus said. (both hands point up)
“I will send you out (walk in place)
to fish for people.” (cup hands around mouth to make a fish face)
Mark 1:17

Winter camps are coming up at Canoe Cove Christian Camp! There is a camp for kids in grades 4-6 which is February 2-4 and a camp for grades 7-12 February 9-11. If you would like to register your child/children for winter camp you can find the registration forms here:


I think that is everything for now. I hope you all have a great week!

- Megan

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We have introduced a new prize system to our kids' church program. They have four ways to earn points that will then go towards earning ...